
2009년 07월 12일 "The Believer"s Blessing"
2009-07-15 00:00:00
조회수   1910

July 12, 2009 / Sunday Worship Service II / Rev. Bong Jun Shin
The Believer"s Blessing

Introduction: There is a thing that well-educated and wealthy people more possibly might miss. Paul who had a great amount of knowledge resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified. In other word, he knew the value of the name of Christ correctly. Today"s scripture reveals us an important key to receiving answers to prayer. The condition for receiving answers is finding a reason and seeing properly what you must see.
1. You must find a reason.
(1) Regardless of religion, people who saved an age or succeeded found out their own reasons.
(2) The biblical figures who found their reasons (Abraham, Isac, Jacob, Joseph, Paul-Ac.9:15, 19:21, 27:24)
(3) When the reason for your life is aligned with God"s purpose, a miracle happens.
1) Noah-The reason to build an ark
2) Abraham-The reason to go to the land of Canaan where God told him to go
3) Moses-the reason for sacrifices
4) Isaiah - the reason for stump (the remained one, remnant)
(4) Hana Church that has grabbed hold of God"s reason
1) God"s reason is to save our next generation and to raise up the disciples of Christ for the sake of world evangelization (Mt.24:14, 28:18-20, Ac.1:8)
2) The goal of our church is to raise up the disciples of Christ who will evangelize our next generation and the world, and the direction is set on the age of OMC for world evangelization, the age of RUTC for Remnants, and the age of church lay leaders to save our regions, and through this, our church will establish a true evangelism project centered on church lay leaders.
① "300 elders-300 regional churches movement" for the Gospel being heard in the entire Daegu city (Ac.19:10)
② The church committee that makes plans and strategies of evangelism targeting on the entire Daegu city (Golden fishing grounds, blind spots, and disaster zones)
③ The weekly evangelism project training (the meeting for the seven golden fishing grounds, the meeting for regional church forum, church lay leaders field evangelism camp, church committee forum) - The Holy Spirit will guide our church when you participate in trainings and follow the messages
2. You must find important things.
(1) You must find spiritual facts.
1) If you keep participating in worship and trainings, you will gain spiritual strength and eventually open your eyes to see God"s word.
2) You must see invisible spiritual facts even when seeing the field. (Rom.5:17-19)
3) Spiritual facts: You are set free from the law of sin and death when you believe in Jesus Christ(Ac.1:1, 3, 8)/ You can receive the blessings coming from the sonship while you live in this world(Rom.8:12-17)/ Everything that happens to the children of God turns out good, and nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God (Rom.8:28, 35-39) / If you trust in Christ on your daily basis, God"s kingdom comes, the filling of the Holy Spirit is revealed in every step you take, the forces of darkness crumbles, and you will conquer the world by making disciples (Ac.1:1, 3, 8)
(2) You must find the value of delivering the correct Gospel to your next generation.
1) Evil Satan still attacks our children. The truth is that God has decided to raise our future generation in order to restore the age of curses and disasters.
2) The devotion for raising up and supporting our next generation will bring you an eternal blessing, and the devotion of those who know the spiritual facts will absolutely bear fruits.
(3) The Corinthian church had started in the middle of blessings, but it became full of various problems when it missed spiritual facts.
1) All the problems occurred inside the church were about physical things (Jealousy, fight, obscene act, marriage, idol-worship, gift.)
2) Church should not fight a physical battle but spiritual one.
Conclusion: The believers receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit which is from God (v.12) as well as the filling of the Holy Spirit which is the power of powers. The believers should make decisions or judgement not by the worldly wisdom but the spirit of God (v.1). Become a victor by grabbing hold of only the name of Christ (v.2). When you consider the name of Christ as the most precious and valuable thing, the work of the Holy Spirit will begin in all fields related to you. (v.4)


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