
2011년 12월 4일 "Prayer is a spiritual science"
2012-01-05 00:00:00
조회수   1724
December.04,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Prayer is a spiritual science

Introduction: Are you enjoying praying? So many christians are complaining that they fail to pray. The Lord clearly promised the prayers of believers would be answered. If it is difficult to pray, there must be a solution for that. Jesus also did mention prayers several times(Mt.16:16-20, 6:1-13, Lk.11:1-13). There is a secret that helps us pray well. If we pray with our own thoughts and righteousness in our own way, we are to reach limits after all even though prayers seems to be answered. If we get hold of covenants, however, and come into them, prayers will work because of Holy Spirit. How can we enjoy answers through prayers?

1.We must know the important principle of prayers first
(1)We must have right thoughts
1)According to thoughts, we see things differently and with our vision, we have different judgement, choices, and explanation. Right judgement and explanation will determine right prayer requests. The moment right prayer topics come out, we get right answers which result in Gods blessings in our lives
2)But we cannot even have right thought in the original sin of the Ge.3
(2)We must see Gods plan that gives us problems first
1)Take a look at what kind of prayers we focus on(physical prayer-problem solving, making wishes)
2)The problems which happen to believers come from God(there are Gods hidden meanings and plans)
3)Whenever they have the most serious problems, God always gave us through the gospel(Ge.3:15, Ex.3:18, Isa.7:14, Mt.16:16)

2.What kind of prayer must we pray?
(1)The prayers of physical matters, religions, laws, and mysticism bring answers as people pray, but all answers will be destroyed after all(wrong prayers)
(2)We must do covenant prayers(right prayers)
1)Holy Spirit works and will guide answers(Lk.11:13)
2)These prayers are to seek the name of God and plans, His kingdom, and glory(the Lords Prayer)
3)These prayers must be done for evangelism, mission, and world evangelization(Mt.6:33 his kingdom and his righteousness)
(3)God obviously answers the prayer of His people
1)Satan answers as unbelievers pray
2)God answers right after believers pray, or making them wait until He brings better one
3)This is the sign that His kingdom comes when our fields and next generation arise including politics, economics, society, and culture
(4)First of all, we must become qualified person to get Gods answer(Jn.16:24)
(5)Put aside my own will and plans and pray holding Gods plan

Conclusion: Prayer is spiritual science. Prayer is accurate. God is accurate and so is satan. We must enjoy prayers as spiritual science and have the life of evangelist that will save the field for this era.


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