
2009년 08월 16일 "The Worker of The Christ"
2009-08-17 00:00:00
조회수   1978
Aug. 16, 2009 / Sunday Pulpit II / Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The Worker of The Christ(1Cor.4:1-13)

Introduction: The eyes to see the 66 books of the bible will be opened if you know the mystery of the covenant. If we can"t factually experience the mystery of the covenant, our walk of faith will be shaken by feelings and emotions and we will lose real answers. The covenant was formed by God, so He is the subject, and He will fulfill it. Therefore, when we put the background of our faith in front of God, it does not waver.(Jer.33:2)
Man was created as the being who needs the covenant of God, but unfortunately, he was separated from the covenant of God. Israelites who lost the covenant fell into repetitive failure. Then, what causes people in the covenant to face hardships?
1. Hardships that people who have the covenant face.
(1) The bible says that hardships follow after the people of the covenant.
1) Believers - Because of believing in Jesus, they may face hardships (Mt.10:21-22, Mk. 10:29-30)
2) Apostles - Apostles who preach the Gospel face persecutions and difficulties.(v.9, v.11-13)
(2) We must grab hold of the covenant of Christ when we face hardships. (Gen.3:15, 6:14, Is.7:14)
1) Moses who stood before Pharaoh who sternly resisted even when God raised the miracles →this made Israelites grab hold of the blood of the lamb of the passover only.
2) The early church who went through severe persecutions → They grabbed hold of uniqueness, the most important disciples were raised, and real answers were given)
3) Believers who face hardships →
① They must grab hold of their serious problems and start praying until the reason for the problems is found.
② You will realize that problems are in yourself, and it will lead you to grab hold of the covenant.
③ Spiritual works will take place at the rear of us. (Ex.13:17-14:31, Da.6:1-28)
④ Physical blessings will follow as much as spiritual eyes open.(3Jn.1:2)
(3) We should let the covenant appear in our lives.
1) We should not fall into failure
① Current failure is not fully comparable with the glory that will be emerged later. (Moses, Elijah, Job)
② Do not be deceived by yourself but make a time that you listen to the voice of God.(Peter)
2) You can get comfort from God if you commit a crime..(Rom. 8:27)
3) If you are in the hardships, do not try to solve it. Just wait for God to work.(Ex.14:13, Da.6:22)
2. The Mystery of the covenant-"Jesus is the Christ"
(1) Jesus is the Christ who has solved all of the problems for every human being.
1) God has sent the Christ as the True King, the True Priest, and the True Prophet to solve all of the
problems for every human being.
2) Christ resurrected, supervises the church, the believers and even all their related fields from the
throne of heaven by the Holy Spirit.
3) He will be with us by the Holy Spirit until the end of the world and he will come again.
(2) There is everything in the name of Christ. (Blessing)
1) The blessing of rock and the key for heaven
2) We can be faithful to God
3) We will not be able to judge others.
4) We can become more than conquerors even if we are in a place of death.
5) Our eyes will open to see workers. (v.17)
6) We will know the true power. (v.20)
(3)Those who know the mystery of the Christ are the workers of the Christ.

Conclusion: God pours out every blessing through the mystery of the Christ. Like God raised Joseph who was in the covenant, God will work and He will be glorified whenever you grab hold of the mystery of the Christ. (Ph.1:6)


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