2009년 10월 25일 "If I Do Not Preach The Gospel"
2009-10-28 00:00:00
조회수 1844
Oct. 25, 2009 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
If I Do Not Preach The Gospel
Introduction: John Bunyan expressed this world as the City of Destruction in his book, 「The Pilgrim"s Progress.」 What it means is that it is a city that will be destroyed in the future. The main point of his book is that everything in this world will be soon destroyed and that we must spread out the Gospel quickly.
When you find the reason and the purpose to live in the Gospel, your life becomes precious one. There is no hope if you don"t come before the Gospel. May you find out what you must live for while you are arranging the Gospel.
1. Arrangement of the Gospel
(1) The reason why people are wandering in the midst of sufferings
1) It is because they are like spiritual orphans or beggars - they can"t physically and mentally escape from sins, so they are disabled to find whom to worship.
2) Man who was created in the image of God as spiritual being became ignorant of God.
(2) The fundamental problems of mankind
1) He became a sinner after being separated from God (Rom.3:23)
2) He became enslaved to Satan who separated man and God. (Jn.8:44)
3) Whatever good deeds he does, the wrath of God comes upon him. (Eph.2:3)
4) After death, he will receive judgement and will go to the hell. (Heb.9:7)
(3) Why is there no salvation in other religions, and why can"t people receive salvation through keeping the laws or doing good deeds?
1) The witness of the Bible: Salvation is granted only through Jesus Christ. (Ac.4:12, Jn.14:6)
2) The Original sin can never be solved by religion, laws, or good deeds (No one can solve the original sin that is coming regardless of his/her own will. Even if you commit a sin just once a week, it will be added up to over several thousands of sin throughout your entire life.)
3) Because only God can solve this problem, He came to this world wearing in human flesh. (Jn.1:14, 1Jn.3:8)
(4) The method to enjoy the blessing of salvation
1) As soon as you believe in Jesus Christ, you are immediately saved. (Jn.5:24)
2) When you accept Jesus into your heart, the right to become a child of God is given to you. (Jn.1:12, Rev.3:20)
2. Find out what you must live for.
(1) Your fields are full of suffering and troubles.
(2) Only Jesus Christ can solve the problems of your fields.
(3) If you don"t preach the Gospel, woe will still remain.
Conclusion: Find out the reason and the mystery to live your life in the Gospel. The curses and sufferings that fill your fields can be solved only by Jesus Christ. May you live a worthy life by preaching the Gospel to your fields until the day that the Lord comes back.