
2010년 01월 17일"The church that enjoys true evangelism"
2010-01-18 00:00:00
조회수   1838
Jan.17,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The church that enjoys true evangelism

Introduction: If you find all the blessings that is in the Gospel, You will absolutely be a successful person. As much as you enjoy the true Gospel, You yourself will be changed and get an eye to see the world correctly. When you are able to see the field in the Gospel, you will get to know that God has promised all the answers related to evangelism. (Mt. 28:12-20)

1. Two things that you must remember and think about first
(1) Do you live just come-and-go life?
1) If so, there is no difference between mankind and dogs or pigs
2) Your life is not just come-and-go life
(2) Is there a difference between believers and non-believers?
1) The bible says believers are absolutely different from non-believers
①Php.1:6 He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
②Eph.1:3 God has called us to give us spiritual blessing.
③Gal.6:7-8 The one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
④Rev.22:10-11 Those who do wrong continue to do wrong, those who are vile continue to be vile.
⑤2Co.5:10 For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ.
2) The believers know the cause of the suffering but the non-believer do not
①All lives have the problem. even a successful individual have great spiritual problems in the back.
②The cause of the problem: mankind were deceived by Satan, separated from God, fallen into the original sin and possessed by Satan.
3) Spiritual problem would be a foothold for the believers but the non-believers suffer from spiritual problem, ultimately face curses and failure
4) While the eternal life is prepared for believers, the hell where theres no mercy is prepared for non-believers. and their future generations face the same problems and will be perished.
(3) You will find the purpose of the life if you see the world in the Gospel.

2. The reason God has called us to the field - because of the eternal evangelism plan of God
(1) What is evangelism?
1) Main occupation
2) Knowing, enjoying and proclaiming Gen. 3:15, Ex.3:18, Isa.7:14, Mt.16:16
3) Movement of Christ, Movement of life
4) Enjoying the mystery of the name of Jesus Christ, devoting your life to the Gospel
(2) How should we enjoy the blessing of evangelism? (Mk.3:14-15)
1) Enjoy the mystery of Immanuel; God being with you (the theme of the bible)
2) Use the given authority to solve spiritual problems in the field; the authority to drive out demons
3) Answers when you enjoy the Gospel: you yourself will be revived and you can give the answer those who suffer from spiritual problem(Darakbang), blessing of meeting will be restored (Team Ministry), your home will be healed(Mission Home), you will get the answer of uniqueness out of your skill, region where you go will be changed quietly(Regional Church)
4) Evangelism planning is to raise up disciples inside and outside of the church to make everyone in Daegu hear the Gospel (Ac.19:10)

Conclusion: What is the most important to God is for us to restore only the Gospel. A natural result of he unique Gospel is he unique Evangelism. When you sincerely focus on evangelism, God will give you things that you don ask.(Matt 6:33). The world needs the church for the unique evangelism. If there are more important things than the life, that is the ministry to build the proper church for Evangelism.


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