2010년 04월 11일"We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ"
2010-04-12 00:00:00
조회수 1875
Apr.11,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ
Introduction: The ten basics of the faith is a summary of 66 books of the bible.
1. The ten basics of the faith
(1)God governs every life (1Ch.29:10-14)
(2)The method of God is Jesus Christ (Eph.1:3-14, Ac.4:12)
(3)Holy spirit of God comes into my heart at the moment I accept Christ as my savior (Jn.14:16-17)
(4)God guides us through the light of the word (2Ti.3:14-17)
(5)God let me become the holy temple(church) (1Co.3:16, Mt.18:20)
(6)God has a plan for me to make me a successful person in the field (Gen.12:2, Ac.18:1-4)
(7)God governs life and death, weal and woe of the believers (Ps.139:1-10, Ecc.9:11)
(8)Men should live for the spiritual value, because they are destined to die once (Heb.9:27)
(9)Those who have the life will be sent to heaven, those who don will be sent to hell (Lk.16:19-31)
(10)If anyone gives the gospel to others, he will certainly not lose his reward (Mt.10:40-42)
2. The ninth basis: the afterlife (heaven and hell)
(1)The future life, heaven and hell, will surely be fulfilled
(2)We must find out the mystery to enjoy the blessing of heaven while we live on the earth
1)The way to solve a problem of the afterlife is to receive salvation just now (Gen.3:15 offspring of woman, Ro.5:8 Christ)
2)The background of the believers who live on the earth is the kingdom of God (Php.3:20)
(3)How should I enjoy the blessing of heaven on the earth- have 5 assurances
1)Those who have Christ who is the son of God child of God who is saved
2)God naturally guides the children of God (Jn.14:26-27)
3)God gives the answer to all the prayer by the believers (Rev.8:3-5, Jer.33:1-3)
4)God has sent Christ as redeemer in a bid to solve the problem of satan, sin and curses (1Jn.1:9)
5)The believers will surely be victorious (1Co.10:13, 2Co.4:7-9)
Conclusion: The Pilgrims Progress describes this world as city of destruction. The meaning of this term will be more accurate if it is translated as will-be-destroyed city. We, the believers who live in the city of destruction, are like pilgrims(Gen.47:9, 1Pe.1:1) but our original background is the kingdom of God. Receive salvation now and possess the kingdom of God and solve the problem of the future life. Enjoy the kingdom of God, praying with 5 assurances.
We must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ
Introduction: The ten basics of the faith is a summary of 66 books of the bible.
1. The ten basics of the faith
(1)God governs every life (1Ch.29:10-14)
(2)The method of God is Jesus Christ (Eph.1:3-14, Ac.4:12)
(3)Holy spirit of God comes into my heart at the moment I accept Christ as my savior (Jn.14:16-17)
(4)God guides us through the light of the word (2Ti.3:14-17)
(5)God let me become the holy temple(church) (1Co.3:16, Mt.18:20)
(6)God has a plan for me to make me a successful person in the field (Gen.12:2, Ac.18:1-4)
(7)God governs life and death, weal and woe of the believers (Ps.139:1-10, Ecc.9:11)
(8)Men should live for the spiritual value, because they are destined to die once (Heb.9:27)
(9)Those who have the life will be sent to heaven, those who don will be sent to hell (Lk.16:19-31)
(10)If anyone gives the gospel to others, he will certainly not lose his reward (Mt.10:40-42)
2. The ninth basis: the afterlife (heaven and hell)
(1)The future life, heaven and hell, will surely be fulfilled
(2)We must find out the mystery to enjoy the blessing of heaven while we live on the earth
1)The way to solve a problem of the afterlife is to receive salvation just now (Gen.3:15 offspring of woman, Ro.5:8 Christ)
2)The background of the believers who live on the earth is the kingdom of God (Php.3:20)
(3)How should I enjoy the blessing of heaven on the earth- have 5 assurances
1)Those who have Christ who is the son of God child of God who is saved
2)God naturally guides the children of God (Jn.14:26-27)
3)God gives the answer to all the prayer by the believers (Rev.8:3-5, Jer.33:1-3)
4)God has sent Christ as redeemer in a bid to solve the problem of satan, sin and curses (1Jn.1:9)
5)The believers will surely be victorious (1Co.10:13, 2Co.4:7-9)
Conclusion: The Pilgrims Progress describes this world as city of destruction. The meaning of this term will be more accurate if it is translated as will-be-destroyed city. We, the believers who live in the city of destruction, are like pilgrims(Gen.47:9, 1Pe.1:1) but our original background is the kingdom of God. Receive salvation now and possess the kingdom of God and solve the problem of the future life. Enjoy the kingdom of God, praying with 5 assurances.