2010년 07월 18일"The rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain"
2010-07-21 00:00:00
조회수 1609
July.18,2010 Sunday Service II Rev.Shin, Bong Jun
The rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain
Introduction: What are the remnants like? They faced the kings of the era and saved powerful countries. In the center of Daniel chapter2, we will check how God wants to raise his next generation and what the kingdom of God is which will be accomplished through them. Nebuchadenezzar king of Babylon constructed a worldwide kingdom with powerful royal authority. However, the king could not sleep because he could not interpret his dream. No one could interpret the dream but Daniel and his three friends did, which made the king appoint them as high officers that reigned over Babylon. Experiencing this event, king gave a glory to Daniels God. What covenant must we hold through this message for today while preparing Hana remnant conference and praying for next generation?
1.Raise up our children as spiritual leaders
(1)Every life is wandering not knowing how to get spiritual answers
1)There are so many smart and rich people in the field, but they do not have answer of life but just wander in the formless, empty, and darkness
①There were many wise people around the king of Babylon but no one had spiritual wisdom
②And then king depended on those who were worshiping idols(the action, worshiping idols sneaked into politics, economy, society, and culture)
2)The answer from the bible
①Man who was created in His own image got perfect blessings
②Separated from God, men go through pains and falls in sins and the destiny of satan(spiritual problem)
③God sent Jesus Christ to solve the spiritual problem on this earth
④Anyone who accepts to believe in Christ will become a child of God
⑤The children of God enjoy indwelling, guidance, and work of Holy Spirit and conquer the world as spiritual leaders
(2)We bring up our next generation as spiritual leaders who can give these answers
1)No matter how big or small it is, we are called to be spiritual leaders by God
2)God finds people who know spiritual secret so that He can bless them and work for them
①There are spiritual problems behind all the problem on this earth
②The witnesses in the Bible - Abram, Mose, Gideon, Samuel, Daniel, Ju gi chul, Shon yang won
2.Expect the kingdom of God to be accomplished through the next generation
(1)God gives the wisdom to those who pray holding onto covenant(v.17-18)
(2)Gods work will be arising through the next generation who knows the secret of Christ
1)Even though some powerful countries worship idols, Messiah kingdom is coming and every palace of idols will be smashed by Christ(v.34)
2)When one man stands up holding the gospel, there will be a huge mountain and will fill the whole earth; world evangelization(v.35)
Conclusion: No one will give the spiritual answer in this time. God called us to give this answer. This is the reason why the next generation must be trained to take hold of gospel in early childhood. The work and glory of God will take place through our next generation. Recover spiritual power holding the fact that Christ is working in me as Holy Spirit. No matter where we are, we must be like Daniel and his three friends who can give the answer to our nearest friends.
The rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain
Introduction: What are the remnants like? They faced the kings of the era and saved powerful countries. In the center of Daniel chapter2, we will check how God wants to raise his next generation and what the kingdom of God is which will be accomplished through them. Nebuchadenezzar king of Babylon constructed a worldwide kingdom with powerful royal authority. However, the king could not sleep because he could not interpret his dream. No one could interpret the dream but Daniel and his three friends did, which made the king appoint them as high officers that reigned over Babylon. Experiencing this event, king gave a glory to Daniels God. What covenant must we hold through this message for today while preparing Hana remnant conference and praying for next generation?
1.Raise up our children as spiritual leaders
(1)Every life is wandering not knowing how to get spiritual answers
1)There are so many smart and rich people in the field, but they do not have answer of life but just wander in the formless, empty, and darkness
①There were many wise people around the king of Babylon but no one had spiritual wisdom
②And then king depended on those who were worshiping idols(the action, worshiping idols sneaked into politics, economy, society, and culture)
2)The answer from the bible
①Man who was created in His own image got perfect blessings
②Separated from God, men go through pains and falls in sins and the destiny of satan(spiritual problem)
③God sent Jesus Christ to solve the spiritual problem on this earth
④Anyone who accepts to believe in Christ will become a child of God
⑤The children of God enjoy indwelling, guidance, and work of Holy Spirit and conquer the world as spiritual leaders
(2)We bring up our next generation as spiritual leaders who can give these answers
1)No matter how big or small it is, we are called to be spiritual leaders by God
2)God finds people who know spiritual secret so that He can bless them and work for them
①There are spiritual problems behind all the problem on this earth
②The witnesses in the Bible - Abram, Mose, Gideon, Samuel, Daniel, Ju gi chul, Shon yang won
2.Expect the kingdom of God to be accomplished through the next generation
(1)God gives the wisdom to those who pray holding onto covenant(v.17-18)
(2)Gods work will be arising through the next generation who knows the secret of Christ
1)Even though some powerful countries worship idols, Messiah kingdom is coming and every palace of idols will be smashed by Christ(v.34)
2)When one man stands up holding the gospel, there will be a huge mountain and will fill the whole earth; world evangelization(v.35)
Conclusion: No one will give the spiritual answer in this time. God called us to give this answer. This is the reason why the next generation must be trained to take hold of gospel in early childhood. The work and glory of God will take place through our next generation. Recover spiritual power holding the fact that Christ is working in me as Holy Spirit. No matter where we are, we must be like Daniel and his three friends who can give the answer to our nearest friends.