
2010년 10월 03일 "The people increased and became even more"
2010-10-05 00:00:00
조회수   1521
October.03,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
The people increased and became even more numerous

Introduction: We must pray for the 14th World Remnant Culture Mission Conference in November. The people separated from God have been cursed and suffered in the culture of darkness. Israeli people who were influenced by the depraved and demonic culture were cursed and destroyed with Israeli residents. Unless we change this culture, our next generation will miserably become slaves, prisoners and a tributary. The covenant which God gave them to conquer the Canaan means changing the land full of curses. We must pray that we turn the culture of the darkness into the culture of the gospel. The answer God gave us is live a life of the evangelist under the theme A new start this year.

1.Why must we live a life of the evangelist?
(1)It is because God has the most interest in it
(2)It is because God wants us to get right answers and blessings
1)God wants to bless us
2)Even though it is difficult for us to practice a life of the evangelist, that becomes answers from God
3)Abraham who got into a life of the evangelist
①Abraham got salvation and came out from the idolatrous village but nothing seemed happen to him(Ge.12:10, 1-20, 13:1-13)
②Abraham came into the words and a life of the evangelist
ㆍBuilt an altar to the Lord(Ge.13:18)
ㆍHe believed the word from the Lord that a son coming from his own body will be his heir(Ge.15:4-6)
ㆍAbraham got a promise of perfect blessings(Ge.22)
③God let his people have such hard time in Chaldean that they could enjoy proper blessings of salvation and a life of the evangelist
(3)Because this is the way to conquer the problems of Ge.3,6,11
1)The problem of the original sin in Ge.3 - No one can solve
2)The social problem of Ge.6 - fell into the culture of the Nephilim and idol worship
3)The problem of elites in Ge.11-built the tower of Babel that was to be destroyed because they believed that they could reach God
4)The only solution is Ge.3:15, the offspring of the woman - to come into a life of the evangelist soon.

2.The world which evangelists must see
(1)The history of satan
1)Satan has attacked the workers not to get up and live a life of the evangelist(v.10) - we must understand and accept, and transcend anyone around us
2)Satan has made us busy in our work so that it can keep us from getting the evangelical schedule
3)Satan has prevented people from having a life movement (v.15-22) - into the training
(2)The bigger work from God than any other things(v.7,9,12)
1)The work of God has occurred to the people who live a life of the evangelist
2)Gods covenant for Abraham was accomplished in the most suffering

Conclusion: Satan works but evangelists must keep the fact in mind that God works more than anything. The people increased and became even more numerous. To get the hold of this word as conclusion, All of us must come into a life of the evangelist with eternal blessings.


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