2010년 11월 07일 "God who let us believe His power"
2010-11-10 00:00:00
조회수 1468
November.07,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
God who let us believe His power
Introduction: Those who believe Jesus are in Gods plan whatever they do, whoever they meet. Gods plan is to witness the gospel. Therefore, when every problem is connected with evangelism, it is solved. God said the end of the world will come after the gospel is witnessed the end of the earth.(Mt.24:14) You have a lot of prayer topics from today, but I hope you to pray for the evangelism and the life of the evangelist. When you pray to get Gods grace and power to live the life of the evangelists, God will pour the filling of Holy Spirit on us.(Ac.1:8)
1.Things we must know to live the life of the evangelists and to focus on world evangelization
(1)We must recover the belief that God is powerful
1)The most important thing in the life of evangelist is the belief in gospel
2)There are persecution, hardship, and crisis following after witnessing the gospel, so we must recover the belief that Gods power comes first.
(2)God let Moses believe Gods power through miracle(v.1-9)
1)God turned the staff into snake - Satans work is broken by people who know the secret of Jesus and His covenant
2)God made Mosess hand leprous and restored it - Experience Christs power who solved the sin, curse, and disaster
3)God took some water from the Nile which become blood when it was poured into the ground - Christs power has broken the field captured by idols and darkness
2.Why must we experience Gods power?
(1)It is not to turn back to my experience and constitution at the very important moment
1)The secular thing during the entire life on this earth has become habits and constitutions
2)We have always listened to words but individual experience and constitution are rooted deeper than words
3)So do not see the covenant in our situation but see the problem in our covenant
(2)It is to conquer the field of idol worship
1)Satan has planted unbelief in us systematically
2)Even though the Israelis enter Canaan, they needed the belief in Gods power(the field which 7tribes and 31kings were waiting)
(3)The way to believe Gods power - Christ
1)When we grab Christ in the life of the evangelists, Gods power and wisdom will occur to us(1Co.1:24)
2)The Old Testament - God promised to us to send Messiah, The New Testament - God delivered us to Christ, Now - God has worked for us as Holy Spirit
3)The life of the evangelist
①The life standing as a witness and tasting the gospel
②Purpose: Even we are alone, we do not fall down and enjoy Immanuel and help people to gain power from gospel
③When we make up our minds for the gospel, God will give us His power(When Abram did, God opened the doors to the blessings. Ge.13:14-18)
4)Intensive training for the life of the evangelists: Enjoy being with God and check the time schedule for me
Conclusion: It is not difficult to live the life of the evangelists at all. Only we need to decide to do it. God let us give the power to live the life of the evangelists. As God showed his power to Moses with unbelievable constitution and let him believe it, so God does the same thing to us and help us to live the life of the evangelists.
God who let us believe His power
Introduction: Those who believe Jesus are in Gods plan whatever they do, whoever they meet. Gods plan is to witness the gospel. Therefore, when every problem is connected with evangelism, it is solved. God said the end of the world will come after the gospel is witnessed the end of the earth.(Mt.24:14) You have a lot of prayer topics from today, but I hope you to pray for the evangelism and the life of the evangelist. When you pray to get Gods grace and power to live the life of the evangelists, God will pour the filling of Holy Spirit on us.(Ac.1:8)
1.Things we must know to live the life of the evangelists and to focus on world evangelization
(1)We must recover the belief that God is powerful
1)The most important thing in the life of evangelist is the belief in gospel
2)There are persecution, hardship, and crisis following after witnessing the gospel, so we must recover the belief that Gods power comes first.
(2)God let Moses believe Gods power through miracle(v.1-9)
1)God turned the staff into snake - Satans work is broken by people who know the secret of Jesus and His covenant
2)God made Mosess hand leprous and restored it - Experience Christs power who solved the sin, curse, and disaster
3)God took some water from the Nile which become blood when it was poured into the ground - Christs power has broken the field captured by idols and darkness
2.Why must we experience Gods power?
(1)It is not to turn back to my experience and constitution at the very important moment
1)The secular thing during the entire life on this earth has become habits and constitutions
2)We have always listened to words but individual experience and constitution are rooted deeper than words
3)So do not see the covenant in our situation but see the problem in our covenant
(2)It is to conquer the field of idol worship
1)Satan has planted unbelief in us systematically
2)Even though the Israelis enter Canaan, they needed the belief in Gods power(the field which 7tribes and 31kings were waiting)
(3)The way to believe Gods power - Christ
1)When we grab Christ in the life of the evangelists, Gods power and wisdom will occur to us(1Co.1:24)
2)The Old Testament - God promised to us to send Messiah, The New Testament - God delivered us to Christ, Now - God has worked for us as Holy Spirit
3)The life of the evangelist
①The life standing as a witness and tasting the gospel
②Purpose: Even we are alone, we do not fall down and enjoy Immanuel and help people to gain power from gospel
③When we make up our minds for the gospel, God will give us His power(When Abram did, God opened the doors to the blessings. Ge.13:14-18)
4)Intensive training for the life of the evangelists: Enjoy being with God and check the time schedule for me
Conclusion: It is not difficult to live the life of the evangelists at all. Only we need to decide to do it. God let us give the power to live the life of the evangelists. As God showed his power to Moses with unbelievable constitution and let him believe it, so God does the same thing to us and help us to live the life of the evangelists.