
2010년 12월 19일 "I have made you like God to Pharaoh"
2010-12-26 00:00:00
조회수   1431
December.19,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
I have made you like God to Pharaoh

Introduction: It is the identity of the church to make the words movement the way to meet and enjoy God. God uses these kinds of churches for world evangelism. To become like that, pastors, lay leaders, and lay people must be in one. The life of the evangelists should not be considered just a program but the intensive course for the life of the evangelists, which will recover the work blessed by God. We must renew failures in our lives by living the life of the evangelists. Meanwhile, we must enjoy the life of the evangelists and pass it down to next generation. In the first part of the script, God said to Moses that I had made you like God before Pharaoh. This is the answer for the life of the evangelists. This is the list of the blessings when we enter the life of the evangelists.

1.You will enjoy the blessings that make Gods words my answers
(1)The message from God is the way to success
1)Universe and everything were created by His words(Genesis chapter 1)
2)God gave us Jesus Christ for salvation according to what the bible says(1Co.15:3-4)
3)God gave His words to Sarah who was not expected to have babies. He let her have her own child.
(2)Even though we are weak and not good enough, there is no failure for us as long as we hold onto His words.
1)His Words become answers to us(Abraham and Moses enjoyed their answers and Gods words)
2)Even though we do not understand his words, we must pray and grab the words with the faith in them.
3)Although getting answers seems to be a bit slow , we must wait(Hab.2:3)
(3)Enter the life of the evangelists
1)Important things in the life of the evangelists
①Focus on His words
②Get the true answers of prayers
③Find out what God has planned about evangelism
2)We must have practical experiences to enjoy and meet God by entering the life of the evangelists

2.We are to enjoy the blessings that God has been witnessed through me
(1)God gave us the blessings that God is with us
1)God has shown himself to us through our work(Believers success)
2)It is the fundamental blessing that nothing can stop us from enjoying (Isaac and Moses answers)
3)God gave another power to those who were called evangelists
(2)We must bind satan in order to enjoy the blessing
1)We must take an action before satan does and win in the spiritual battles(Mt.12:29)
2)The filling of Holy Spirit can break the darkness(Mt.16:18, Jn.16:9)

Conclusion: We must enjoy the blessings that can be given by entering the life of the evangelists and accomplishing His words. Whenever we enjoy these blessings, we will be a witness of God.


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