2011년 6월 5일 "Then the Lord relented"
2011-06-08 00:00:00
조회수 1513
June.05,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Then the Lord relented
Introduction: We must make sure that the Sabbath day is different from the Lords day. God allowed us to enjoy the tremendous blessing, the secret of the kingdom of God, through the worship. It is Sunday that we, christians, restore this blessing.(Ne.8:10). It is the day for us to enjoy every time and day when God proclaimed the sovereignty over the earth. In Exodus 32, there a story that Israeli who had already received Gods blessings and answers faced their problems and fell in idol worship. We must succeed in realizing answers and important lessons from the scripture for today.
1.Israelis problems in the past, our problems in the present(v.21-24)
(1)Egypts servility(Ex.32:1)
1)People came out from Egypt with their minds still staying there
①When people face problems, they tend to reveal inner hearts( people and leader Aaron) (v.21-24)
②People cannot get Gods guidance as long as they have legalism, mysticism, and humanism in their hearts at the crucial moment
2)Why must we emphasize the gospel and have the gospel taken strong root in our heart?
①Otherwise, something different will come out without realizing it(v.1)
②What is needed the most is Christ, the only solution of life issues(Php.3:1)
③We must change our nature and fundamentals through the life of an evangelist
(2)Idol worship
1)People that received the most great answers each age solved problems caused by idol worship
2)disastrous history by Idol worship
①It talks about idols and religions in the last days(2Ti.3:1)
②God absolutely blessed churches and groups that solved idol worship
③Idol is the result of Genesis 3, the background of Idol worship is evil satan
3)God sent us Christ as true blessings so that we do not need to worship idols
2.How can we deal with the problems of Idol worship?(v.11-13, 14)
(1)Mosess intercessory prayer - missionary prayer(v.9-13)
1)This earth will be restored by the prayers of those who have His covenant
2)Christ is the only answer to solve idol worship and spiritual problems on the earth
(2)God relented because of Mosess prayer(v.14)
1)Church only can solve idols problems and give true answers to spiritual problems
2)Answers that Hana church will receive - Then the Lord relented
①It built evangelism organization, word movement system, daractbang ~ regional church in the field
②Lay leaders as missionaries are sent to the field
Conclusion: Multi-Ethnic Welfare Services is for spiritual battle against the forces of darkness that have been working on multi-ethnic background. God will look for disciples among different races through Hana church and open new mission paradigm. For this, we must break darkness that has been working behind them first. I hope that you pray holding this covenant, Then the Lord relented.God will save regions, nations, and the world because of the one who prays holding this covenant.
Then the Lord relented
Introduction: We must make sure that the Sabbath day is different from the Lords day. God allowed us to enjoy the tremendous blessing, the secret of the kingdom of God, through the worship. It is Sunday that we, christians, restore this blessing.(Ne.8:10). It is the day for us to enjoy every time and day when God proclaimed the sovereignty over the earth. In Exodus 32, there a story that Israeli who had already received Gods blessings and answers faced their problems and fell in idol worship. We must succeed in realizing answers and important lessons from the scripture for today.
1.Israelis problems in the past, our problems in the present(v.21-24)
(1)Egypts servility(Ex.32:1)
1)People came out from Egypt with their minds still staying there
①When people face problems, they tend to reveal inner hearts( people and leader Aaron) (v.21-24)
②People cannot get Gods guidance as long as they have legalism, mysticism, and humanism in their hearts at the crucial moment
2)Why must we emphasize the gospel and have the gospel taken strong root in our heart?
①Otherwise, something different will come out without realizing it(v.1)
②What is needed the most is Christ, the only solution of life issues(Php.3:1)
③We must change our nature and fundamentals through the life of an evangelist
(2)Idol worship
1)People that received the most great answers each age solved problems caused by idol worship
2)disastrous history by Idol worship
①It talks about idols and religions in the last days(2Ti.3:1)
②God absolutely blessed churches and groups that solved idol worship
③Idol is the result of Genesis 3, the background of Idol worship is evil satan
3)God sent us Christ as true blessings so that we do not need to worship idols
2.How can we deal with the problems of Idol worship?(v.11-13, 14)
(1)Mosess intercessory prayer - missionary prayer(v.9-13)
1)This earth will be restored by the prayers of those who have His covenant
2)Christ is the only answer to solve idol worship and spiritual problems on the earth
(2)God relented because of Mosess prayer(v.14)
1)Church only can solve idols problems and give true answers to spiritual problems
2)Answers that Hana church will receive - Then the Lord relented
①It built evangelism organization, word movement system, daractbang ~ regional church in the field
②Lay leaders as missionaries are sent to the field
Conclusion: Multi-Ethnic Welfare Services is for spiritual battle against the forces of darkness that have been working on multi-ethnic background. God will look for disciples among different races through Hana church and open new mission paradigm. For this, we must break darkness that has been working behind them first. I hope that you pray holding this covenant, Then the Lord relented.God will save regions, nations, and the world because of the one who prays holding this covenant.