2011년 6월 26일 "Anyone inquiring of the Lord"
2011-07-07 00:00:00
조회수 1481
June.26,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Anyone inquiring of the Lord
Introduction: When God was pleased with Israelites, they were respected by every Egyptian, but when Gods grace stopped flowing into them, they were fallen as slaves. Inquiring of the Lord means praying to see God only(Jer.33:3, Isa.40:31). What we are to do is to look up to God only. God promised us that He would destroy any kinds of enemies against us. When we seek Gods grace and pray to only look to God, every problem will be solved.
1.Why do we inquire and pray to the Lord?
(1)Because it is only God that never changes nor perishable(Isa.40:8-9)
1)We place the Lord in the center of our heart and pray to Him
2)Human beings cannot accept the truth as it is
3)Do not depend on the lives that we cannot help(Ps.146:3, Mic.7:5)
4)We must always look to God since he achieves every Word for good
①Old Testament - Womans offspring who God gave us as covenants(Ge.3:15)
②New Testament - Christ who God sent to us as His covenant(Mt.16:16)
③Present - God is still working on His covenants for those who hold the core of eternal covenants
(2)Because we cannot live without Gods grace
1)The evidence of the Bible about Gods grace
2)The spiritual state of human before getting Gods grace
①Being dead in our transgressions and sins(Eph.2:1)
②Following secular things(Eph.2:2)
3)Gods grace came upon us - Christ
①God demonstrates his own love through Christ(Ro.5:8)
②Christ solved every curse and disaster on the cross
③We received salvation as a gift through Gods grace(Eph.2:8-9)
(3)Why do we pray before the Lord?
1)After Exodus, Israeli had to walk through the wilderness with Gods grace
2)We cannot live in our fields without Gods grace
(4)The answer God has given to people who are inquiring of the Lord
1)God promised His presence in us(Ex.33:13)
2)God promised that willingly He would guide us with his own sovereignty(Ex.33:17)
2.How much must we pray?
(1)We must pray enough to enjoy Immanuel
(2)Because the purpose of God is for us to enjoy Immanuel
1)Immanuel is Gods purpose towards every problem and place
2)True power comes from the true Immanuel
Conclusion: By praying to see God and inquiring of the Lord this week, we can restore blessed power and the time with the Lord. Once we gain this strength, our past, present, and future will be changed and understandable. We must gain and enjoy these blessings and answers in the name of Jesus.
Anyone inquiring of the Lord
Introduction: When God was pleased with Israelites, they were respected by every Egyptian, but when Gods grace stopped flowing into them, they were fallen as slaves. Inquiring of the Lord means praying to see God only(Jer.33:3, Isa.40:31). What we are to do is to look up to God only. God promised us that He would destroy any kinds of enemies against us. When we seek Gods grace and pray to only look to God, every problem will be solved.
1.Why do we inquire and pray to the Lord?
(1)Because it is only God that never changes nor perishable(Isa.40:8-9)
1)We place the Lord in the center of our heart and pray to Him
2)Human beings cannot accept the truth as it is
3)Do not depend on the lives that we cannot help(Ps.146:3, Mic.7:5)
4)We must always look to God since he achieves every Word for good
①Old Testament - Womans offspring who God gave us as covenants(Ge.3:15)
②New Testament - Christ who God sent to us as His covenant(Mt.16:16)
③Present - God is still working on His covenants for those who hold the core of eternal covenants
(2)Because we cannot live without Gods grace
1)The evidence of the Bible about Gods grace
2)The spiritual state of human before getting Gods grace
①Being dead in our transgressions and sins(Eph.2:1)
②Following secular things(Eph.2:2)
3)Gods grace came upon us - Christ
①God demonstrates his own love through Christ(Ro.5:8)
②Christ solved every curse and disaster on the cross
③We received salvation as a gift through Gods grace(Eph.2:8-9)
(3)Why do we pray before the Lord?
1)After Exodus, Israeli had to walk through the wilderness with Gods grace
2)We cannot live in our fields without Gods grace
(4)The answer God has given to people who are inquiring of the Lord
1)God promised His presence in us(Ex.33:13)
2)God promised that willingly He would guide us with his own sovereignty(Ex.33:17)
2.How much must we pray?
(1)We must pray enough to enjoy Immanuel
(2)Because the purpose of God is for us to enjoy Immanuel
1)Immanuel is Gods purpose towards every problem and place
2)True power comes from the true Immanuel
Conclusion: By praying to see God and inquiring of the Lord this week, we can restore blessed power and the time with the Lord. Once we gain this strength, our past, present, and future will be changed and understandable. We must gain and enjoy these blessings and answers in the name of Jesus.