2011년 10월 9일 "Why can't people meet God?"
2011-10-15 00:00:00
조회수 1591
October.09,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Why can people meet God?
Introduction: I have thought the figure of christianity today through the movie Dogani. When churches lose the uniqueness of the gospel, the power of God leaves the churches, and they end up falling down to the bottom. God makes us stand as the one who can save the world to the end of the world and blesses us. Even though the world is getting tough, there are answers and blessings that are given to believers and churches. Therefore, we must do nothing but recover the uniqueness of gospel only.
Unbelievers have attacked churches by asking some questions like why churches forbid people from worshiping their ancestors and why people believe Jesus only. Even christians have the same question in their mind that why they must believe Jesus only. Why must we believe in Jesus and deliver the gospel and Christ only?
1.The fundamental problem of people and the unique answer
(1)The fundamental problem of people -being separated from God
1)People in the world tend to think that the cause of every problem is coming from something lacking
2)The fundamental cause that Bible says
①Man was created by God in His own image(Ge.1:27)
②Man got blessings to rule over everything in God(Ge.1:28)
③Man was separated from God by Genesis 3 problems(Nno relationship between God and man)
④There was dead spirit by sin(Eph.2:1), they were captured by satan(1Co.2:12)
⑤The lives got to avoid God because of the fear and everything was cursed by Human(Ge.3:18)
⑥People trust in lies by the powerful delusion(2Th.2:10, 2Co.4:4-5)
(2)Unique answers God gave us: to restore the relationship with God through Christ
1)Sending Christ was prophesied in the Bible(Ge.3:15, Ex.3:18, Isa.7:14), and He came to the earth as prophet(Mt.16:16)
2)Giving every blessing in the name of Christ(Mt.16:17-19)
3)People try to get salvation without knowing Christ(truth / effort / religion life 1Co.10:20, philosophy Col.2:8)
4)After all people fall into spiritual, mental, physical problems
5)Christ only can solve the separation from God and sufferings caused by the broken relationship(Ac.4:12)
2.How can we apply for these facts to our life?
(1)Individualization of the gospel - We must stand on the name of the Christ
1)No more than just ourselves on Christ
2)We must step on todays words, prayer, and evangelism
(2)Discipleship of the gospel - evangelize people who we meet in the fields
1)Lay leaders must do darakbang in the fields(Ex.3:16-18, Jos.3:1-3, 6:1-20)
2)There must be word forums and the teams of prayer and evangelism by lay leaders
(3)Globalization of the gospel - when people succeed in these three things, people will see the globalization of gospel itself
Conclusion: We must hold onto one thing. God wants us to restore Christ that churches have lost. When we grasp the name Christ, God will give us the blessings of health, success, and true happiness. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved(Ac.4:12). Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me(Jn.14:6). We must go on having the uniqueness of Christ.
Why can people meet God?
Introduction: I have thought the figure of christianity today through the movie Dogani. When churches lose the uniqueness of the gospel, the power of God leaves the churches, and they end up falling down to the bottom. God makes us stand as the one who can save the world to the end of the world and blesses us. Even though the world is getting tough, there are answers and blessings that are given to believers and churches. Therefore, we must do nothing but recover the uniqueness of gospel only.
Unbelievers have attacked churches by asking some questions like why churches forbid people from worshiping their ancestors and why people believe Jesus only. Even christians have the same question in their mind that why they must believe Jesus only. Why must we believe in Jesus and deliver the gospel and Christ only?
1.The fundamental problem of people and the unique answer
(1)The fundamental problem of people -being separated from God
1)People in the world tend to think that the cause of every problem is coming from something lacking
2)The fundamental cause that Bible says
①Man was created by God in His own image(Ge.1:27)
②Man got blessings to rule over everything in God(Ge.1:28)
③Man was separated from God by Genesis 3 problems(Nno relationship between God and man)
④There was dead spirit by sin(Eph.2:1), they were captured by satan(1Co.2:12)
⑤The lives got to avoid God because of the fear and everything was cursed by Human(Ge.3:18)
⑥People trust in lies by the powerful delusion(2Th.2:10, 2Co.4:4-5)
(2)Unique answers God gave us: to restore the relationship with God through Christ
1)Sending Christ was prophesied in the Bible(Ge.3:15, Ex.3:18, Isa.7:14), and He came to the earth as prophet(Mt.16:16)
2)Giving every blessing in the name of Christ(Mt.16:17-19)
3)People try to get salvation without knowing Christ(truth / effort / religion life 1Co.10:20, philosophy Col.2:8)
4)After all people fall into spiritual, mental, physical problems
5)Christ only can solve the separation from God and sufferings caused by the broken relationship(Ac.4:12)
2.How can we apply for these facts to our life?
(1)Individualization of the gospel - We must stand on the name of the Christ
1)No more than just ourselves on Christ
2)We must step on todays words, prayer, and evangelism
(2)Discipleship of the gospel - evangelize people who we meet in the fields
1)Lay leaders must do darakbang in the fields(Ex.3:16-18, Jos.3:1-3, 6:1-20)
2)There must be word forums and the teams of prayer and evangelism by lay leaders
(3)Globalization of the gospel - when people succeed in these three things, people will see the globalization of gospel itself
Conclusion: We must hold onto one thing. God wants us to restore Christ that churches have lost. When we grasp the name Christ, God will give us the blessings of health, success, and true happiness. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved(Ac.4:12). Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me(Jn.14:6). We must go on having the uniqueness of Christ.