
2011년 10월 16일 "How can you meet God"
2011-10-21 00:00:00
조회수   1580
October.16,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
How can you meet God?

Introduction: There are so many people who are lost somewhere in their lives. I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me(Jn.14:6). People can not see this fact that they are wandering even though they do their best in their lives. The reason for this happening is that they do not know the way. That is why God built up churches and called pasters, missionaries and lay leaders to evangelize people. God called us to lead lost people to this way. I pray in the name of the Lord that you begin getting new answers through Christ.

1.How can we meet God?
(1)Whoever calls the name of the Lord receives salvation(Ro.10:13-15)
1)Unbelievers do not know this fact
①No way to hear this fact because there is nobody who brings good news to them
②They have no faith because nobody shares their faith in God
③They cannot call on the name of the Lord because they have no faith
2)God called us as the one who proclaim the gospel
①the one who is doing the most worthy work on earth
②Because those who are doing things that have something to do with lives
3)People attend churches without meeting God
①They live their walk of faith with their spiritual problems
②Their statues and positions are still under the power of devil, satan, death, and hell
③As time goes by, it is getting hard for them to attend church and worship service themselves
(2)Christ that is the core of gospel
1)The difference between the gospel and religions
A)Enjoying the gospel
①The more we hear the name of Christ, the more power we gain
②We get to live the walk of faith with true rest and comfort
③Words through worship service become grace and this open the door of answers to the fields
B)Religious lives
①The standard of religion is the justice of human, but gospel is the justice from God
②As time goes by, people live the walk of faith with burdens and worries 2)The new that has come in Christ is answer(2Co.5:17)
①The more we enjoy Christ and the gospel, the more joys, pleasures, thanksgivings, peace, and rest
②The doors of new blessings and answers are opened everyday
3)Christ that is the way to meet God
①He came to this earth in the flash of man to save people(Jn.1:14)
②Sinless God came in the flash and did the work of Christ
③He has both divine and human nature
④Christ resurrected and solved the problems of hell and satan
(3)God is spirit and he is who he is - Almighty God
1)He is omnipresent(Ps.139:9-10)
2)He is omniscient(Ps.139:1-2)
3)He is omnipotent(Isa.40:28)
(4)Meeting God in spirit is salvation
1)When man with spirit meets God, dead spirit is coming back to life
2)Once the spirit is alive, the eye to see spiritual facts and world is opened
3)By Christ, we meet God and spirit gains its own power

2.We must hold onto the evidence that God is with us
(1)The blessings of salvation
1)On receiving Jesus Christ, God is with us(Indwelling of the Holy Spirit)
2)The satan and devil that grasped my life are driven out forever(Filling of the Holy Spirit)
(2)The blessings of guidance
1)By indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we can realize and believe Gods words
2)When we understand His words by guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can see where to go
(3)The blessings of prayers
1)Enjoying the blessings of Immanuel is prayer
2)The more we know the gospel, the more we pray
3)We can see Gods plan that wins the world, satan

Conclusion: We met God through Christ that is the only way. God continually gave us answers that give grace in Christ. Thus, we must share the way to others. From now on, we can enjoy the blessings of the walk of faith. We must receive Christ as our savior.


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