2011년 11월 13일 "Now that I'm saved, how have I changed?"
2011-11-22 00:00:00
조회수 1644
November.13,2011 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Now that Im saved, how have I changed?
Introduction: Many people live a good work of faith and pray to God a lot as well, but they are living without knowing what the gospel, salvation, and faith are about. That is why it is hard for them to pray, evangelize, and live a wonderful life. After all, they end up having a religious life. Instead of winning or affecting the world, they are affected by the world and often hear the world worrying about churches.
1.What are the gospel, faith, and salvation?
(1)Gospel is Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected, through which God achieved many miracles for us
1)Jesus died and resurrected to do His mission
2)What did God complete for us?
①Solving troubles from sins, curses, hell, and satan
②Giving the blessings of the king, the priest, and the prophet
③Giving us the right to become his children
(2)Faith is to accept Jesus Christ into my heart(Jn.1:12)
1)At this time, Jesus comes in my heart and we are in one, and guides my life with Holy Spirit
2)When Jesus comes in my heart, the work of salvation occurs
①Transferring us from death to life
②Changing my status and position
③Every problem of my past, present, and future is totally solved
3)This belief is given by Gods grace(Eph.2:8, Mt.16:17)
(3)Salvation - the gospel, faith, and salvation can be one word, called life
1)God moves everything in the center of life (axis of all matters
2)God is only concerned about Christ, the gospel, salvation and His people who are working for these.
2.What is the true condition of being saved?
(1)The wrong views of salvation(religion)
1)People believe that they are saved by having a religion
2)Just by being devout, holding strong convictions, and knowing many scriptures
3)Just by going to church every week
4)They worked so hard on this earth that they can go to heaven
(2)getting salvation not with their efforts but with their faith(Php.3:9)
(3)What is the true condition of being saved?
1)Spiritual and inner condition are changed,
ew man was born again with Holy water and Holy Spirit(2Co.5:7, Jn.3:5)
2)The Holy Spirit of God is responsible for the life of new man forever
3)Even though we commit sins against God, Holy Spirit will never forsake us
Conclusion: The purpose of the man who knows gospel, faith, and salvation is to spread this fact to others and to become Gods disciples and witnesses. What God values the most is that we get salvation from God first and relay it to others. When we align our purpose with Gods, God lets our needs filled(Mt.6:33). This Christmas will the day for you to relay the blessings from God to the ones who have not learned about Christ yet.
Now that Im saved, how have I changed?
Introduction: Many people live a good work of faith and pray to God a lot as well, but they are living without knowing what the gospel, salvation, and faith are about. That is why it is hard for them to pray, evangelize, and live a wonderful life. After all, they end up having a religious life. Instead of winning or affecting the world, they are affected by the world and often hear the world worrying about churches.
1.What are the gospel, faith, and salvation?
(1)Gospel is Jesus Christ who died on the cross and resurrected, through which God achieved many miracles for us
1)Jesus died and resurrected to do His mission
2)What did God complete for us?
①Solving troubles from sins, curses, hell, and satan
②Giving the blessings of the king, the priest, and the prophet
③Giving us the right to become his children
(2)Faith is to accept Jesus Christ into my heart(Jn.1:12)
1)At this time, Jesus comes in my heart and we are in one, and guides my life with Holy Spirit
2)When Jesus comes in my heart, the work of salvation occurs
①Transferring us from death to life
②Changing my status and position
③Every problem of my past, present, and future is totally solved
3)This belief is given by Gods grace(Eph.2:8, Mt.16:17)
(3)Salvation - the gospel, faith, and salvation can be one word, called life
1)God moves everything in the center of life (axis of all matters
2)God is only concerned about Christ, the gospel, salvation and His people who are working for these.
2.What is the true condition of being saved?
(1)The wrong views of salvation(religion)
1)People believe that they are saved by having a religion
2)Just by being devout, holding strong convictions, and knowing many scriptures
3)Just by going to church every week
4)They worked so hard on this earth that they can go to heaven
(2)getting salvation not with their efforts but with their faith(Php.3:9)
(3)What is the true condition of being saved?
1)Spiritual and inner condition are changed,
ew man was born again with Holy water and Holy Spirit(2Co.5:7, Jn.3:5)
2)The Holy Spirit of God is responsible for the life of new man forever
3)Even though we commit sins against God, Holy Spirit will never forsake us
Conclusion: The purpose of the man who knows gospel, faith, and salvation is to spread this fact to others and to become Gods disciples and witnesses. What God values the most is that we get salvation from God first and relay it to others. When we align our purpose with Gods, God lets our needs filled(Mt.6:33). This Christmas will the day for you to relay the blessings from God to the ones who have not learned about Christ yet.