
2012년 2월 19일 "Enter his gates with thanksgiving"
2012-03-23 00:00:00
조회수   1756
February.19,2012 Sunday Service II Rev. Shin, Bong Jun
Enter his gates with thanksgiving

Introduction: Jesus told Peter who confessed his faith that Jesus is as Christ the blessings of prayer. If we realize the gospel and learn how to pray correctly, thats all. We do not need to be afraid and you will succeed in anything and in any circumstances(Joseph, Daniel, Paul). We must learn, experience and enjoy prayers through the entire life. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness(Mt.6:33). When we really know what it is to enjoy Christ, we can enter his courts with praises(v.4). Lets check what it is like to enjoy Christ and the gospel.

1.We must know the covenants God gave us
(1)God gave us Christ and he gave everything to those who have answers through Christ
1)What is Christ? - exterminating satan, every curses and disasters, and opening the gate of kingdom for us to meet God(everything life needs is in Christ)
2)Believers of early churches who had answers with Christ
①They were gathering to pray in Marks attic under fear of their lives(Ac.1:14)
②They donated their properties(Ac.4:32-37)
③There was persecution but the door of evangelism was opened(Ac.11:19)
(2)We must know that the every blessing from God is in Christ(1Co.2:12)
1)When you receive Christ, you receive a spirit of sonship(the relationship of life, the indwelling of Holy Spirit, Ro.8:15, Jn.1:12, 15:16)
2)God gave us the right to pray(Jn.14:13-14, Heb.4:16)
3)God gave us the authority to bind off the power of satan(Mt.25:41, Lk.10:19. fight against satan with the Spirit)
4)God mobilizes the angel and military of heaven, destroys the power of darkness, and protects us(Heb.1:14, Mt.18:10)
5)Holy Spirit is with me until the end of the world(the guidance of Holy Spirit. 1Co.3:16)
6)God gives us the citizenship of heaven(Php.3:20)
7)God makes those who know the blessings conquer the world(Ac.1:8)
(3)Whoever knows Christ opens eyes to see the world and eyes of evangelism(1Co.9:16 commission)
(4)God protects one who knows Christ perfectly

2.The blessings of God are hidden in everything
(1)There are answers and plans of God in problems which become the start of blessings
1)Witness - Abraham, Joseph, David, Paul
2)The time of suffering and my past is Gods time schedule, and answers are the time schedule to explain new vision(Ac.19:21)
(2)Lay myself down onto God and get into the filling of Holy Spirit(Gal.2:20)

Conclusion: God saved me. Come before God with the evidence with thanksgiving. When we know that salvation from God is everything, we can give thanks and prasies to God.(Dt.29:33, Php.4:6-7). We must restore the thanksgiving of salvation so that we can conquer every field around us.


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