
2010년 11월 28일 "Pray for kings and all those in authority"
2010-12-02 00:00:00
조회수   1548
November.28,2010 Sunday Service II Rev. Park, Ji On
Pray for kings and all those in authority

Introduction: The most important core in prayer is to ask God for what you want eagerly. Prayers without any sincere heart are not a prayer at all. Whenever we stand before God, every prayer is connected to the confess that shows how thankful we are for what He has done. If you want to enjoy sincere peace and the gospel in the walk of faith, we must pray that May the kingdom of God come upon on this earth.

1.We must pray that the kingdom of God comes upon this earth
(1)We must pray for the President who God sets, Congress, and those who are in charge of the national administration
1)Accidents happening recently cannot be solved without prayers
2)Ideological struggles cannot be solved by human forces
3)Even though advanced weapons were prepared for the crisis of war, everything would not be accomplished without Gods grace
4)Only God can do these so that we must pray for those who have the gospel
(2)We must recover thanksgiving prayers in Gods grace
1)God said that we must pray for the country and its politicians(1Ti.2:2)
2)Gods grace is the reason why the Republic of Korea is still flourishing
①We must thank that a blessed elder became the President of this country and pray for him
②It is Gods grace that makes Korea prosperous and allows us to have a walk of faith peacefully.

2.We must pray for the church Christ paid with his blood
(1)We must pray for church leaders
1)We must pray for senior pastors and elders : if we had not had them in church, we would not have Hana church now
2)We must pray for pastors and elders : if we had not had them in church, we would not have Hana church now
3)We must pray for pastor Ryu and evangelism conference : if God had not used pastor Ryu and evangelism conference, we would not take root into the true gospel
(2)We must always pray for the fact that we can enjoy true peace and rest in church
(3)Whenever we pray, we must pray for church and leaders

3.True peace and rest resulting from the salvation are the grace of God
(1)Preacher Paul confessed that he was a sinner of sinners (1Ti.1:15)
1)Every person is a sinner who was not free from sins in Ge.3
2)The human beings were not supposed to deserve Gods grace
3)The human beings cannot solve serious mental problems from satan
(2)Jesus became Christ to save sinners
1)The name Jesus had been foretold before he was born
2)He started his ministries 30 years after he was born and then Christ died on the cross for our sins
3)Jesus became Christ who was resurrected and accomplished salvation perfectly
(3)The spiritual meaning of Christ
1)Christ who bled on the cross had perfectly solved humans original sin (Ge.3:15)
2)He had perfectly solved curses, disasters, and mental problems, impatience(Eph.2:1-2)
3)The moment we accepted Christ, all problems like past, present, and futures problems get solved at once

Conclusion: Every lay people who got a salvation by Christ must stand before God with thankful heart. We must pray and thank God for the country, leaders, and church leaders because we got true peace and rest in perfect salvation. When we prayed for them, God will work as blessings standing on the true and good conscience.


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